
We aim to write an efficient and consistent code. So, you should keep in mind the balance between memory utilization and code efficiency and pay special attention to cache utilization. This aspect is very important when using multi-threads applications with shared memory.


Please, follow the general Julia coding style. Since it is too long to describe all details here, study the code already written. However, in general,

  • Name classes, methods, and variables as clear and meaningful as possible;

  • Write short commentaries on the code flow to reading more accessible and faster;

  • Properly document the code, especially the data structures and methods definitions. Do not forget to link/refer them;

  • 4-space indentation, no trailing spaces, no tabs, Unix/POSIX end of line. Try to keep line within 80 columns and do not exceed 90 columns;

  • Do not use one-liner branches. Always use if...end even it uses two more lines. The code must be as clear and easy to read as possible:

 # Don't do it
a > 1 && b += func(a)

# Ah, way better and clear
if a > 1
    b += func(a)
  • Avoid dense expressions where possible e.g. prefer nested ifs over complex nested ?s;

  • Explicit return should be preferred except in short-form method definitions. For functions that do not return values, explicitly use nothing at the end;

  • Do not use system specific code/headers. Your code must compile in several systems with minimum change;

  • Make sure that, for each method/function, you write unit tests that cover all corner cases, and few regular cases (> 1);

  • Do not commit or do a pull request until the code pass in all tests.