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Carlos E. Andrade
Comparative Study of Genetic Algorithms for the School Timetabling Problem
Early years of Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithms: A systematic review
Biased random-key genetic algorithms: A review
Apparatuses and methods for identifying infrastructure through machine learning (continuation)
(Re)Assigning Of Nodes On Security And Priority Network
Change Deployment System
Facilitating assignment of root sequence indexes while minimizing network changes
Apparatuses and Methods for Facilitating Solutions to Optimization Problems via Modeling through Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning
The p-next center problem with capacity and coverage radius constraints: model and heuristics
Apparatuses and methods for identifying infrastructure through machine learning (continuation)
The RSI Allocation Problem: exact and heuristic methods
Conflict-free change deployment - Continuation
Exact and heuristic approaches for the root sequence index allocation problem
The Physical Cell Identity Assignment Problem: a Practical Optimization Approach
The p-next center problem with capacity and coverage radius constraints: model and heuristics
Apparatuses and methods for identifying infrastructure through machine learning
Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Enable a Data-Oriented Experimental Design Approach for Producing Biochar and Hydrochar from Biomass
Facilitating Model Driven Automated Cell Allocation In Fifth Generation (5G) Or Other Advanced Network - Continuation
Facilitating assignment of physical cell identifier under technological and operational constraints
An evolutionary approach for the p-next center problem
A Composition Framework for Change Management
Minimizing Effort and Risk with Network Change Deployment Planning
Facilitation of Efficient Software Downloads for Vehicles - Continuation
Managing changes to interdependent network elements
Conflict-free change deployment
Facilitating Software Downloads To Internet Of Things Devices Via A Constrained Network - Continuation
The Multi-Parent Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm with Implicit Path-Relinking and its real-world applications
Facilitating Model Driven Automated Cell Allocation In Fifth Generation (5G) Or Other Advanced Network
Model-Driven Implementation of Services on a Software-Defined Network (divisional)
Some extensions of biased random-key genetic algorithms
Facilitation of Efficient Software Downloads for Vehicles
Model-Driven Implementation of Services on a Software-Defined Network
Minimizing flowtime in a flowshop scheduling problem with a biased random-key genetic algorithm
Facilitating Software Downloads To Internet Of Things Devices Via A Constrained Network
Scheduling software updates for connected cars with limited availability
Heuristics for a flowshop scheduling problem with stepwise job objective function
A hybrid primal heuristic for finding feasible solutions to mixed integer programs
Connected cars in a cellular network: A measurement study
Managing massive firmware-over-the-air updates for connected cars in cellular networks
Scheduling Software Updates for Connected Cars with Limited Availability
Heuristics for a Hub Location-Routing Problem
Heuristics for the Wireless Backhaul Network Design Problem
Large Scale Scheduling Problems on Internet of Things
A Learning Framework for Feasibility Pump
A biased random-key genetic algorithm for wireless backhaul network design
Biased random-key genetic algorithms for the winner determination problem in combinatorial auctions
A biased random-key genetic algorithm for a prize-collecting directed Steiner forest network design problem
Evolutionary algorithms for overlapping correlation clustering
Solving a variant of the (hub) location-routing problem
Some extensions of biased random-key genetic algorithms
Evolutionary algorithm for the $k$-interconnected multi-depot multi-traveling salesmen problem
Evolutionary algorithms for overlapping correlation clustering
Solving the winner determination problem by biased random-key genetic algorithms
Leilões e Algoritmos
Um algoritmo exato para o Problema de Empacotamento Bidimensional em Faixas