BRKGA-MP-IPR Guide and Documentation - C++ Version 3.0

BRKGA-MP-IPR provides a very easy-to-use framework for the Multi-Parent Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm with Implict Path Relink (BRKGA-MP-IPR). Assuming that your have a decoder to your problem, we can setup, run, and extract the value of the best solution in less than 5 commands (obvisiously, you may need few other lines fo code to do a proper test).

This C++ version provides a fast prototyping API using C++20 standards and libraries. All code was developed as a header-only library, and have no external dependencies other than those included in the package. So, you just need to copy/check out the files and point your compiler’s header path to BRKGA-MP-IPR folder (-I on GCC and Clang).

This framework can use multiple threads of modern CPUs, by setting a single parameter (assuming that your decoder is thread-safe). This leverage the parallel decoding nature that BRKGAs offer, compared to other (meta) heuristic frameworks.

The code can be compiled using > GCC 9.4 and > Clang 10.0, and it is very probable that it can be compiled using other modern C++ compilers, such as Intel and Microsoft compilers. To use multiple threads, your compiler must support OpenMP. The current version has been long developed, and it is a very mature code used in production in several companies. However, it lacks of a proper unit and coverage testing.

If C++ is not suitable to you, we may find useful the Julia version of this framework. We are also developing a Python version which is in its earlier stages (no IPR yet). However, both Julia and Python versions only support single-objective optimization at this moment. We have no timeline to implement multi-objective optimization in such platforms. Also, at this moment, we have no plans to implement the BRKGA-MP-IPR in other languages such as Java or C#. But if you want to do so, you are must welcome. But please, keep the API as close as possible to the C++ API (or Julia API in case you decide go C), and use the best coding and documentation practices of your chosen language/framework.

If you are not familiar with how BRKGA works, take a look on Multi-Parent BRKGA. In the future, we will provide a Prime on BRKGA-MP section. If you know what elite set, decoder, and so means, we can get to the guts on the Guide.

What is new on version 3.0

API enhancements

On version 2.0, we claimed that BRKGA-MP-IPR was a very easy-to-use framework. But, few people told me this statement was not even true. The main complaining was that while the features were very nice, tightening them together was hard, even using the provided examples.

Now, BRKGA-MP-IPR supplies a method called BRKGA_MP_IPR::run(). It implements the entire pipeline using all framework features in a chain-like way, similar to the detailed examples. The user may call in this way:

 2auto [brkga_params, control_params] =
 3      readConfiguration(config_file);
 5MyDecoder my_decoder;
 7BRKGA_MP_IPR<MyDecoder> algorithm(
 8    my_decoder, BRKGA::Sense::MINIMIZE, seed, num_chromosomes, brkga_params
10// algorithm.initialize(); // No need anymore :-)
12auto final_status =, &cout);
13cout << "Final algorithm status\n" << final_status;

where control_params is an instance of the new class BRKGA::ControlParams (explained further), and an optional stream for logging (in this example, cout). run() returns an BRKGA::AlgorithmStatus object with information about the optimization like total time, iteration counting, and more (check the full documentation for that).

So, users need no more write fine control loops unless they need/want. Just set some control parameters (and some other callbacks, described below, if you like), and you are good to go!

Supporting run(), we have three new methods:

  • setStoppingCriteria(): while method run() sets automatically maximum time or maximum stalled iterations (without improvement in the best solution) as standard stopping criteria, the user can add to these other criteria using this method. For instance, the following lambda function tests if the best solution reached a given value:

    1  fitness_t my_magical_solution = 10;
    2  algorithm.setStoppingCriteria(
    3      [&](const AlgorithmStatus& status) {
    4          return status.best_fitness == my_magical_solution;
    5      }
    6  );

    In this case, the stop criteria become: Is maximum time reached OR Is maximum stalled iterations reached OR best_fitness == my_magical_solution.


    While we STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO SET A MAXIMUM TIME (mainly when using IPR), if you really rmean to have no maximum time or maximum stalled iterations set, we recommend to use the following code:

    1  // After reading your parameters, e.g.,
    2  // auto [brkga_params, control_params] = readConfiguration("config.conf");
    3  // You can set to the max.
    4  control_params.maximum_running_time = std::chrono::seconds::max();
    5  control_params.stall_offset = numeric_limits<decltype(control_params.stall_offset)>::max();
  • addNewSolutionObserver(): This method adds a callback that is triggered when an overall improved solution is found by the algorithm. It also adds an additional stop point if the users finds it useful by return true. This is very useful for tracking the evolution of the algorithm, for instance:

     1  algorithm.addNewSolutionObserver(
     2      [](const AlgorithmStatus& status) {
     3          std::cout
     4          << "> Iter: " << status.current_iteration
     5          << " | solution: " << status.best_fitness
     6          << " | time: " << status.current_time
     7          << std::endl;
     8          return false; // Dont' stop the optimization.
     9       }
    10  );
  • setShakingMethod(): This method adds a custom shaking procedure defined by the user. Please, refer to its documentation for more details.

Less important but still relevant: previously, one must call initialize() before any method that manipulated the population. Also, since initialize() (re)decodes the population, we have to measure its running time too. Now, the user do not need to call initialize() anymore!!! initialize() is called on the need by its fellow methods internally. This leads to fewer error-prone codes.

BRKGA and control parameters

Although this is part of API enhancement, it deserves special attention. Now, we include all BRKGA and IPR parameters into BRKGA::BrkgaParams, and all (external) control parameters into BRKGA::ControlParams (which was renamed from ExternalControlParams). In doing so, we have a consistent set that can be fully loaded from configuration files.

Not all parameters are required, and those not are set to their default values. The new reading function BRKGA::readConfiguration() will emit a warning when no-required parameters are not set.


If you are using IPR, we STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO SET A MAXIMUM TIME since this is the core stopping criteria on IPR.

Code modernizing and speed bump

The code has been modernized using C++20 facilities like concepts and ranges. Therefore, your compiler must support C++20 now.

One notable change was substituting the custom code in randInt() for a standard library uniform distribution utility. The old code was used when a custom Mersenne Twister RNG code was used (from the original BRKGA implementation). The inclusion of the Mersenne Twister in the standard library allows us to use all default utilities. Ad hoc tests show that the standard library utilities are faster than the old custom code. However, the speed-up is marginal when considering the full application of BRKGA. But, when we accumulate hundreds or thousands of calls daily, the time savings can be considerable in a full year of operation (which usually translates into energy savings).

What is new on version 2.0

In version 2.0, BRKGA-MP-IPR also deals with multiple objectives in a lexicographical or priority dominance order. Differing from classical non-dominance order (using Pareto frontiers), the lexicographical order defines a strict preference order among the objective functions. This leads us to a partial ordering of the values of the solutions (composed of several values, each one from one objective function). So, we have the following definition (abusing a little bit of notation).


Let \(A = (f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n)\) and \(A' = (f'_1, f'_2, \ldots, f'_n)\) be two vectors for \(n\) functions \(f_1, f_2, \ldots, f_n\). \(A\) is lexicographical smaller than \(A'\), i.e., \(A < A'\) if and only if \(f_1 < f'_1\), or \(f_1 = f'_1\) and \(f_2 < f'_2\), or \(\ldots, f_1 = f'_1, \ldots, f_{n-1} = f'_{n-1}\) and \(f_n < f'_n\).

For instance, let’s assume we have three minimizing objective functions and four solutions described in the following table:





















Note that Solution B is better than Solution A because \(f_1(A) < f_1(B),\) even though A has much better values for \(f_2\) and \(f_3\). Now, Solution C is better B because, although \(f_1(B) = f_1(C),\) we have that \(f_2(B) < f_2(C),\) regardless of the value of \(f_3.\) Solution D has the best value for all objective functions. Therefore \(D < C < B < A.\)


If you really want an algorithm to produce a non-dominated set of solutions (Pareto frontier), this is not the right algorithm for you. We recommend taking a look at the NSGA-II and MOAB

Multi-thread mating

One of the nice additions to BRKGA-MP-IPR 2.0 is the capability of performing the mating in parallel. Such capability speeds up the algorithm substantially, mainly for large chromosomes and large populations. However, when performing parallel mating, we have some points regarding reproducibility described in Section Multi-thread mating in the tutorial.

API changes

New type BRKGA::fitness_t

Due to the inclusion of multi-objective optimization capabilities, the user now must define a type BRKGA::fitness_t, and his/her decoder must return such a type. The user can do things like this:

Please, check for details in Sections “TL;DR - Multi objective” and “Using BRKGA-MP-IPR on multi-objective mode” from the tutorial.

New BRKGA_MP_IPR::setInitialPopulation()

In the previous versions, BRKGA::BRKGA_MP_IPR::setInitialPopulation() fills up only the first population, discarding additional warm solutions if the population is full. Now, setInitialPopulation() fills up all populations. More details here.

Changes in BRKGA_MP_IPR::injectChromosome()

BRKGA::BRKGA_MP_IPR::injectChromosome() does not accept initial fitness value anymore. Now, injectChromosome() triggers the decoder in all cases (and therefore, time must be measured on its call). More details here.

Pump to C++ 17

BRKGA-MP-IPR now uses some features of C++17 standards. Therefore, you must change your building tools to support that.

Bug fixes

License and Citing

BRKGA-MP-IPR uses a permissive BSD-like license and it can be used as it pleases you. And since this framework is also part of an academic effort, we kindly ask you to remember to cite the originating paper of this work. Indeed, Clause 4 estipulates that “all publications, softwares, or any other materials mentioning features or use of this software (as a whole package or any parts of it) and/or the data used to test it must cite the following article explicitly”:

C.E. Andrade, R.F. Toso, J.F. Gonçalves, M.G.C. Resende. The Multi-Parent Biased Random-key Genetic Algorithm with Implicit Path Relinking. European Journal of Operational Research, volume 289, number 1, pages 17–30, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.11.037.

If you are using the multi-objective version, you must also cite this paper:

C.E. Andrade, L.S. Pessoa, S. Stawiarski. The Physical Cell Identity Assignment Problem: a Multi-objective Optimization Approach. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, to appear, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.11.037.

You may also consider to cite the following papers from people that helped to find bugs and develop new features for BRKGA-MP-IPR 2.0:

A.F. Kummer N., L.S. Buriol, O.C.B. de Araujo. A biased random key genetic algorithm applied to the VRPTW with skill requirements and synchronization constraints. Proceedings of the 2020 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO ‘20), pages 717-724, 2020. DOI: 10.1145/3377930.3390209.

You can download all references for this Bibtex, or this RIS files


  • Alberto Kummer, 2021 (parallel mating).

  • Daniele Ferone, 2023 (bug fix on IPR).