class BRKGA::ControlParams


Represents additional control parameters that can be used outside this framework. More…

#include <brkga_mp_ipr.hpp>

class ControlParams {
    // fields

    std::chrono::seconds maximum_running_time {0};
    unsigned exchange_interval {0};
    unsigned ipr_interval {0};
    unsigned shake_interval {0};
    unsigned reset_interval {0};
    unsigned stall_offset {0};

Detailed Documentation

Represents additional control parameters that can be used outside this framework.

These parameters are not used directly in the BRKGA nor in the path relinking. However, they are loaded from the configuration file and can be called by the user to perform out-loop controlling.


std::chrono::seconds maximum_running_time {0}

Maximum running time.

unsigned exchange_interval {0}

Interval / number of interations without improvement in the best solution at which elite chromosomes are exchanged (0 means no exchange).

unsigned ipr_interval {0}

Interval / number of interations without improvement in the best solution at which the Implicit Path Relink is called (0 means no IPR).

unsigned shake_interval {0}

Interval / number of interations without improvement in the best solution at which the populations are shaken (0 means no shake).

unsigned reset_interval {0}

Interval / number of interations without improvement in the best solution at which the populations are reset (0 means no reset).

unsigned stall_offset {0}

Defines the numbers iterations to stop when the best solution is not improved, i.e., the algorithm converged (0 means don’t stop by stall).