Todo List

Member BRKGA::KendallTauDistance::affectSolution (Chromosome::const_iterator v1_begin, Chromosome::const_iterator v2_begin, const std::size_t block_size) override

This is the same implementation of Hamming. We need to figure out how to do it properly.

Member BRKGA::operator<< (std::ostream &output, const AlgorithmStatus &status)

Clang fails printing chrono times. When they fix it, please, revise this function.

Member BRKGA::readConfiguration (std::istream &input, std::ostream &logger=std::cout)

This method can beneficiate from introspection tools. We would like achieve a code similar to the Julia counterpart.

Member BRKGA::writeConfiguration (std::ostream &output, const BrkgaParams &brkga_params, const ControlParams &control_params= ControlParams {})

This method can beneficiate from introspection tools. We would like achieve a code similar to the Julia counterpart.

Module chrono_helpers

These functions may not be necessary for C++23, since streaming operators for chrono types are defined there.

Member operator<< (std::ostream &os, const std::chrono::duration< double > &dur)

Remove this when clang/libc get the support.